Monday, March 31, 2008

A London Eye Capsule

A London Eye Capsule, originally uploaded by miquel_martin.

The London Eye also called the Millennium Wheel is the gigantic Ferris Wheel by the Thames, in the very heart of London. The whole structure is cantilevered, so the wheel is held only from one side. Cabins hold up to 25 people, and take 30min to go aroud. Back in the time I was there, you could actually rent them for Birthday parties and the like! This involved you and your 24 guests, a buffet table, and no fear of heights whatsoever!

El "Ull de Londres" o la roda del mil.leni (London Eye) és la gengantina noria a la vora del Thames, al bell mig de Londres. L'estructura s'aguanta amb contrapesos, de manera que nomes un dels costats està collat a terra. A les càpsules hi caben fins a 26 persones, i triguen 30 minuts a donar una volta. Quan jo hi vaig ser, es podia llogar una cabina er cel.lebrar festes d'anniversari i similars: els teus 24 amics i tu, un bufet lliure, i gens de vertigen!

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Devil's Golf Course

The Devil's Golf Course, originally uploaded by miquel_martin.

Have you ever boiled salty water until all the water was gone? You'll get salt crystals, just like this. This area used to be a lake, in very, very salty soil. As the weather changed (talk about global warming!) The whole lake dried up, and has remained so ever since (a few thousand years) ). Occasional moisture is drawn up the salt pinnacles by capillarity, creating the funny heaps.
It was said that only the devil could play golf in here... and the name stuck!

Heu probat mai de bullir aigua amb sal fins que tota l'aigua s'ha evaporat? Obtindreu cristalls, justament com els d'aquesta foto. Aquesta àrea solia ser un llac en un terreny molt, molt salí. A mida que el clima canviava (aixo si que va ser escalfament global!) tot el llac es va assecar, i aixi ha estat des de llavors (uns quants mil.lenis). L'humitat ocasional puja pels pinacles de sal via capilaritat, explicant totes les muntanyetes.
A algú se li va acudir que nomes el diable podria jugar a golf, aquí, i el nom se li va quedar: el camp de gold del diable.

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Fishing at Lake Balaton

Fishing at Lake Balaton, originally uploaded by miquel_martin.

Fisherman at a platform on Lake Balaton. Hungarians call it their Hungarian "Sea", those of etymological inclination would translate it as "the muddy lake". Name it as you wish, but the sunset colors are were astonishing. So where the hordes of mosquitoes on guard at the shore...

Un pescador sobre una plataforma al llac Balaton. Els Hongaresos l'anomenen el "mar" d'Hongria, aquells amb aficions etimologiques en dirien el llac fangós. Tant si com no, els colors de la posta de sol van ser increibles, aixi com la quantitat de mosquits que vigilaven la vora del llac.

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

An impressive stare

An impressive stare, originally uploaded by miquel_martin.

This lady showed us around the step well in Abhaneri, India. She is wearing staggeringly blue Sari and holds the lens's attention with a majestic grace.
This is one of those pictures that shocks you as you see them back home. Her stare bores intoyou, full of unanswered questions.

Aquesta dona ens ve mostrar el pou escalat d'Abhaneri, a l'India. Du un Sari d'un blau sorprenent, i aguanta la mirada de la camara amb una gràcia digne d'una reina.
Aquesta és una d'aquelles fotos que t'impressionen en tornar a casa. La seva mirada sembla que et perfori, plena de preguntes no respostes.

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Jizo at Hachiman gu, Kamakura

Jizō is a Japanese divinity that takes care of children that passed away before their parents: by hiding the kids in his robes, he manages to save their souls on the way to the afterlife. It is therefore common to see Jizō statues in cemeteries and temples, like this one at the Hachiman gu shrine in Kamakura, Japan. Grieving parents will often clothe the statuette in order to favor their lost child. No, it's not a funny picture! This must be my most misunderstood picture ever...

Jizō es una deitat japonesa que es fa càrrec dels nens que han mort abans que els seus pares: tot amagant-los a les seves vestidures, intenta salvar les seves animes de cami al mes enllà. Per tot plegat, es normal veure estatuetes de Jizō a cementiris i temples, com ara aquesta a Hachiman gu shrine in Kamakura, Japó. Aquesta estatueta, probablement, ha estat vestida per pares en dol, per tal d'afavorir la criatura. No, no és pas una foto divertida! Segurament no he fet mai cap foto mes malinterpretada que aquesta!

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.
