Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Devil's Golf Course

The Devil's Golf Course, originally uploaded by miquel_martin.

Have you ever boiled salty water until all the water was gone? You'll get salt crystals, just like this. This area used to be a lake, in very, very salty soil. As the weather changed (talk about global warming!) The whole lake dried up, and has remained so ever since (a few thousand years) ). Occasional moisture is drawn up the salt pinnacles by capillarity, creating the funny heaps.
It was said that only the devil could play golf in here... and the name stuck!

Heu probat mai de bullir aigua amb sal fins que tota l'aigua s'ha evaporat? Obtindreu cristalls, justament com els d'aquesta foto. Aquesta àrea solia ser un llac en un terreny molt, molt salí. A mida que el clima canviava (aixo si que va ser escalfament global!) tot el llac es va assecar, i aixi ha estat des de llavors (uns quants mil.lenis). L'humitat ocasional puja pels pinacles de sal via capilaritat, explicant totes les muntanyetes.
A algú se li va acudir que nomes el diable podria jugar a golf, aquí, i el nom se li va quedar: el camp de gold del diable.

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

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