Monday, May 12, 2008


Stripes, originally uploaded by miquel_martin.

Zebra Stripes are pretty amazing patterns. As it turns out, black stripes seem to suppress the apparition of further black stripes, keeping the pattern in place. As the zebra grows and the spacing between stripes broadens, new black stripes emerge.
Oh and, by the way, Lions are color blind, explaining while a chess board on grass is invisible to them!

Les taques de les Zebres só forç increibles. Pel que, sembla, les ratless negres impedeixen l'aparicio de noves ratlles negres, mantening aix&iacute el patró. A mida que la zebra creix, i l'espai entre les ratlles negres s'eixampla, noves ratlles negres apareixen a les zones blanques.
Ah i, per cert, els lleons son daltònics, cosa que explica com un taulell d'escacs sobre gespa verda pot esdevenir invisible!

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

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