Thursday, December 4, 2008

Rock Balancing by Lake Zurich

A street artist painstakingly builds these stone pilars everyday by Lake Zürich. The stones are balanced on each other, and no glue or reinforcement whatsoever is used! There's quite a few people practising this, but I had certainly never seen it before. The stones stand in delicate equilibrium, and the wind is sure to make them fall sooner or later. In that sense, this ephimeral art resembles Sand Mandalas or Street Painting, to compare to wildly different practices. There is a certain beauty to so many hours of work, knowing they are condemned to disappear...

Un artista al carrer apila aquestes pedres cada dia a la vora del Llac Zürich. Les pedres s'aguanten en equiibri una sobre l'altra, sense cap mena de cola o reforç! Hi ha tota una colla de gent que es dedica a això, però per mi és totalment nou. Les pedres estan en un equilibri molt delicat, i el vent les farà caure tard o d'hora. En aquest sentit, com a art efímer, em fa pensar en Manadles de sorra o dibuixos al carrer, per comparar-ho dues coses totalment diferents. Hi ha certa bellesa en hores d'art condemnades a desapareixer...

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

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