Friday, December 5, 2008

Walking itself

Walking itself, originally uploaded by miquel_martin.

While this dog gets to walk itself in the Heroes square of Budapest, some kids don't have it so easy...
Anyway, that's a retractable leash, and this is what it looks like inside, in case you were curious. Funnily enough, the size of this handles seems to be a problem: apparently some dogs will think they're being chased by it, after jerking it free from the owner's hands, and sometimes run in to the traffic... I guess evolution hasn't worked out that well for modern domestic dogs... your thoughts, dog owners anywhere?
At any rate, I thought the pic was cute :)

Mentre aquest gos es passeja a si mateix a la Plaça dels Herois de Budapest, molts nens no ho tenen pas tan fàcil...
En fi, això és una corretja retràctil, i funciona així, per si us picava la curiositat. El que trobo curiós és que el tamany del mànec sembla que es un problema: es veu que hi ha gossos que es pensen que alguna cosa els persegueix quan l'arrosseguen, si aconsegueixen lliurar-se del seu amo, i de vegades acaben en mig del tràfic... Em penso que l'evolució no els hi ha fet pas cap favor, als gossos domèstics... Cap experiència d'algun amant dels gossos?
En fi, tornant a la foto, l'he trobat prou maca :)

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

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