Monday, April 21, 2008

Groceries stand in Barcelona

The shopkeeper argues quality and price with a concerned customer in the Mercat de la Boqueria in my home city, Barcelona.
This picture speaks volumes of my childhood. I went to the market looking for colorful shots, and ended up with an everyday scene that brought me back 15 years, shopping with my mother :)

La venedora discuteix preus i qualitats amb un client preocupat al Mercat de la Boqueria a la meva ciutat, Barcelona.
La foto representa molts records de la meva infància! Vaig anar al mercat buscant fotografies ben colorides, i vaig acabar amb una escena que em va dur quinze anys enrera, de compres amb ma mare :)

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Corks in a bottle

Corks in a bottle, originally uploaded by miquel_martin.

It's not everyday that you see a bottle filled with cork stoppers. The question however, is: didn't they have an extra cork to close the bottle itself?
PIcture taken in St. Emilion, France

PS: Please excuse my ignorance in advance, and if you know what that wooden stopper's used for, do enlighten me! :)

No cada dia veus ampolles plenes de taps de suro. La pregunta, pero és: de debó que no tenien un tap més per tancar l'ampolla?
Aquesta foto ha estat presa a St. Emilion, França

PD: perdoneu per anticipat la meva ignorància, i si algu sap qué és i com s'usa el tap de fusta, expliqueu-m'ho! :)

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Hay Stacks with truck

Hay Stacks with truck, originally uploaded by miquel_martin.

That's a truck right there, under all that hay! Trucks are colorfully decorated in Rajasthan (and probably all of India), but they are also heavily overloaded. I also can't decide which obstructs the front window more, the hay or the flowery ornament. Also any thoughts on the bucket are welcome!
Even though this picture may be fun because of its absurdity, overloaded trucks are extremely dangerous on the road. Also I'm sure those drivers would happily carry half the load if it was up to them!

Sí, sí, allo d'allà sota la palla, es un camió! Els camions a Rajasthan (i probablement a tota la India) solen anar molt colorits, pero també amb molt de sobre pes. A més a més, no m'acabo de decidir sobre què tapa més la vista, la palla, o les decoracions fllorides del parabrises. I que pinta la galleda?
Si bé la foto pot ser tan absurda que fa gr´cia, els camions amb sobre pes son extremadamnet perillosos a la carretera. Val a dir també que els conductors, si d'ells depengués, segurament durian la meitat de la càrrega...

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Torii at the Fushimi Inari Shrine

There's two parts to this story: firstly, Fushimi, in Kyoto, hosts the head temple to Inari, the deity of fertility, agriculture, and in general, success. Secondly ,most Shinto shrines have Torii (the red entrance gate), and walknig under it implies a certain act of purification and respect to the shrine.
Now, with Fushimi being the head temple for success, literally thousands of successful (or successful wanna be) businessmen have donated Torii to the temple, flanking its paths as if it were a tunnel for kilometers. The names of the donors are displayed in black Japanese characters. By the way, this is, beyond doubt, my favorite location in Japan, so make sure you don't miss it, and that you stay at least until it starts to get dark...

Aquesta história té dues parts: en primer lloc, Fushimi és la seu del principal temple dedicat a Inari, la deitat de la fertilitat, l'agricultura, i en general, de l'éxit. En segon lloc, la majoria de temples Shintoistes usen el caminar sota un Tori (els arcs d'entrada) com a símbol de purificació i respecte al temple.
Així doncs, Fushimi, el principal temple relacionat amb l'éxit, compta, literalment, amb milers de Tori, donades per empresaris que han triomfat, o voldrien fer-ho. Les Tori amb els noms dels donants escrits en negre flanquejen els camins del temple druant kilometres!
Sense cap dubte, aquest es el meu lloc preferit al Japó i recomanaria a tothom visitar-ho, i especialment, quedar-s'hi fins que comenci a fosquejar...

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Foggy day at the Plitvice Lakes

Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't. The Plitvice Lakes were supposed to sport amazing turquoise waters... just not that day. Truth be told, however, the foggy atmosphere was a photographic heaven.
My thanks again to the ranger that gave me the rubbish plastic bag! She thought I wanted to cover my head from the downpour, and was amazed when I punched a hole in it and stuck my camera lens out :)

De vegades tens sort, i de vegades no. Teòricament, als Llacs de Plitvice hi havíem de trobar una aigua color turquesa... però aquell dia no tocaba. Val a dir, pero, que l'ambientillo emboirat va acabar sent una joia pels fotògrafs!

Un cop més agraeixo la vigilant del parc que em va donar una bossa d'escombraries (neta). La dona es pensava que em volia tapar el cap, i li va canviar la cara quan em va veure fer-li un foradot i passant-hi l'objectiu de la camara! :)

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Warship Vasa, on a dry day

Warship Vasa, on a dry day, originally uploaded by miquel_martin.

Yes, that's a 17th century Warship inside a building. And the only real one you'll ever see, by the way. Built top-heavy, it sailed a few (under 5) miles before sinking for good. The cold waters have kept the worms at bay and today it's housed in the Vasamuseet in Stockholm. A worth sight!

Sí senyors, això és un vaixell del segle 16 dintre un edifici. I l'únic real que veureu, per cert. Disenyat amb el centre de gravetat massa alt, va navegar unes poques milles (menys de 5) abans d'enfonsar-se. La fredor de l'aigua el va protegir dels cucs, i avui dia, es troba exposat al Vasamuseet a Stockholm.Val la pena visitar-lo!

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Patient Truck

The Patient Truck, originally uploaded by miquel_martin.

A battered truck awaits stoically for its next errand in Chopatty Beach, Mumbai. Do not miss the clever dog under it!

Un camió atrotinat espera estoicament el seguent encàrrec. No us perdeu el gos llest de sota!

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Incense coils in Hong Kong

Incense coils in Hong Kong, originally uploaded by miquel_martin.

The spiral coils in this picture are made of incense, and will slowly smolder for hours on end when lit at an end. The red paper inside contains a prayer or wish, expected to come true when the whole coil is consumed. In a densely populated city like Hong Kong, the air can get pretty thick in some temples...

Els espirals d'aquesta foto estan fets d'encens, i poden cremar durant hores quan en cremes un extrem. El paper vermell de l'interior conté una pregaria o petició, que un espera que es compleixi en acabar-se la bobina. En una ciutat amb alta densitat de població com Hong Kong, l'aire pot acabar ben carregat, en els temples més importants...

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Soaring Sails at the Sidney Opera House

This is not the most common angle, but you can probably recognize the Sidney Opera House! What you don't usually appreciate is that there's two main buildings: the Opera Center and the Concert Hall. The construction of the building was completely stuck until they could match the architect's vision to industrial plans: how would they manufacture the roofs? They finally found a fitting geometrical model, whereby the shells/sails are cutouts from hemispheres of the same radius. All in all the final budget was 1400% higher than expected but hey, this is an Australian icon,and it very well deserves it!

Si bé aquest no és l'angle més típic, segurament que reconeixeu el Palau de l'Opera de Sidney! El que no es sol veure es com l'estructura es composa de dos edificis principals: el Centre d'Opera i la Sala de Concerts. La construcció de l'edifici va estar totalment parada fins que es van empescar la manera d'aplicar tecniques industrials per la fabricacio del sostre a la visio de l'arquitecte. Finalment se'n van sortir amb un model geométric on les veles/closques son fragments d'hemisferis del mateix radi. Finalment, el cost de l'edifici va ser d'un 1400% per sobre del pressupost estimat, pero ep! la principal icona arquitectònica d'Australia bé s'ho mereix!

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Abandoned train in Torredeita

About 690km of railway tracks were abandoned during the 80s in Portugal. Nicely enough they are slowly being converted into "Ecopistas", a sort of nature trail where you can hike etc...
This wagon is part of the abandoned train in Torredeita, standing on it's lone 3 segments of tracks. I just love the atmosphere inside the train!

Als anys 80, a Portugal, uns 690km de vies van caure en desús, i finalment van ser abandonades. Avui dia, poc a poc el recorregut de les vies está essent convertit en "Ecopistes", una mena de camins on pots anar amb bicicleta, caminar, etc...
Aquest vagó és part d'un tren abandonat a Torredeita, tot sól sobre tres segments de via. M'encanta l'atmosfera dintre el tren!

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Just happy, at the Summer Palace in Beijing

Now, that's a happy chap if I've ever seen one! This elderly man patiently waits (don't ask me what for) at the Summer Palace in Beijing, all smug on his foldable chair. The smile he dedicated to the camera made this one of my favorite pictures in China!

Eus aqui un paio feliç! Aquest vellet espera pacientment (no em pregunteu per què al Palau d'Estiu de Beijing, tot apalancat a la seva cadireta plegable. El somriure que li va dedicar a la càmara ha fet d'aquesta una de les meves fotos preferides del viatge!

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Stained Glass windows in St. Vitus Cathedral

It looks like St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague, Czech Republic, was only finished in 1929, so don't expect the stained glass to be anything ancient. None the less, they set the Cathedral on fire daily; What a show must Cathedrals have been to the middle-ages man!

Sembla ser que la Catedral de Sant Vitus a Praga, Republic Txeca, tan sols es va acabar de construir al 1929, aixi que no espereu que aquests vitralls siguin antiquíssims. Tot i aixo, la llum que donen sembla que incendiin la catedral cada dia; Què meravellosa debia de resultar una Catedral a l'home de l'Edad Mitja!

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Acrobats at the Shanghai Centre Theatre

Of all the performances in Chinese Variety Art, acrobatics and balancing have to be the most impressing. The 6 acrobats in this picture slowly built up to the formation you are seeing. While wearing ropes for precaution, I am pretty sure the equilibrium is totally unassisted.

De totes les actuacions als espectacles de varietats chinesos, les acrobacies i els actes d'equilibri son probablement els més impressionants. Els 6 acrobats de la fotografia van construir, poc a poc la formació que veieu aquí. Si bé duen cordes per protecció, posaria la mà al foc que l'equilibri és totalment real.

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

All-Stars in the SAP Arena in Mannheim

This picture was taken at a non competitive Ice Hockey match at the SAP Arena, in Mannheim (yep, SAP build a stadium, are you really surprised?) The Mannheim Adler didn't really put their heart in it, but I'm told they move the masses at the in-season games! By the way, you know all those clear plastic protections round the field? A puck (the "ball") may reach 160Km/h!

Vaig fer aquesta foto a un event no competitiu de Hockey sobre gel a la SAP Arena, a Mannheim (Si, SAP va construir un estadi; us sorprén?) Les Aligues de Mannheim (Mannheim Adlers) no hi van posar pas el cor, pero pel que em diuen, els seus fans disfruten com nans durant els jocs de temporada!
Per cert, sabeu les parets de plastic al voltant de la pista de gel? Els pucks (les "pilotes" de hockey gel) poden arribar als 160Km/h!

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Torre Agbar after the party's over

Designed by Jean Nouvel, the Agbar Tower is at its best in the evening, when its 4500 LED lights give it a (sometimes) shifting, coloured leopard-ish skin (see here).
This picture is a late one, though. It was taken once the city had gone to sleep (it does. Sometimes.). The lights are off, and the golden glow comes from the reflection of the street's sodium lamps. Not your usual shot of the tower, but one that conveys a strange peace to me.

Disenyada per Jean Nouvel, la Torre Agbar es llueix al vespre, quan els seus 4500 LEDs la vesteixen amb una pell de lleopard acolorida, que, de tant en tant, canvia (tal com es veu aquí).
Aquesta fotografia, però, es feta ben tard. Les llums ja estan apagades,
i la brillantor daurada ve del reflex de les llums de sodi del carrer. No és pas la típica foto, pero a mi em dona una estranya sensació de calma.

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Cinderella's Castle

Cinderella's Castle, originally uploaded by miquel_martin.

The Cinderella Castle is the center piece of Disney World Orlando (this one) and Tokyo, and an Icon for all things Disney. The cartoonish structure employs a technique known as forced perspective where the top parts of the castle are smaller than they ought to be, so that they actually appear taller.

The castle, by the way, is half the size you would expect and features among other things, a "Turn yourself into a princess" beauty saloon for kids!

El Castell de la Ventafocs és la peça central de Disney World Orlando (en aquesta foto) i Tokyo, així com l'icona més representativa de Disney. L'estructura, que es dona un aire a dibuixos animats, usa una tècnia coneguda com Perspectiva forçada en la que les parts superiors del castell son més grans del que realment els pertoca, per donar la sensació que són més llunyanes, i per tant el castell és més alt.

Per cert, l'estructura és la meitat d'alta del que un esperaria, i l'interior conté, entre altres, un salo de bellesa per nenes on prometen convertir-les en Princeses Disney!

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.
