Monday, April 21, 2008

Groceries stand in Barcelona

The shopkeeper argues quality and price with a concerned customer in the Mercat de la Boqueria in my home city, Barcelona.
This picture speaks volumes of my childhood. I went to the market looking for colorful shots, and ended up with an everyday scene that brought me back 15 years, shopping with my mother :)

La venedora discuteix preus i qualitats amb un client preocupat al Mercat de la Boqueria a la meva ciutat, Barcelona.
La foto representa molts records de la meva infància! Vaig anar al mercat buscant fotografies ben colorides, i vaig acabar amb una escena que em va dur quinze anys enrera, de compres amb ma mare :)

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

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