Friday, April 18, 2008

Hay Stacks with truck

Hay Stacks with truck, originally uploaded by miquel_martin.

That's a truck right there, under all that hay! Trucks are colorfully decorated in Rajasthan (and probably all of India), but they are also heavily overloaded. I also can't decide which obstructs the front window more, the hay or the flowery ornament. Also any thoughts on the bucket are welcome!
Even though this picture may be fun because of its absurdity, overloaded trucks are extremely dangerous on the road. Also I'm sure those drivers would happily carry half the load if it was up to them!

Sí, sí, allo d'allà sota la palla, es un camió! Els camions a Rajasthan (i probablement a tota la India) solen anar molt colorits, pero també amb molt de sobre pes. A més a més, no m'acabo de decidir sobre què tapa més la vista, la palla, o les decoracions fllorides del parabrises. I que pinta la galleda?
Si bé la foto pot ser tan absurda que fa gr´cia, els camions amb sobre pes son extremadamnet perillosos a la carretera. Val a dir també que els conductors, si d'ells depengués, segurament durian la meitat de la càrrega...

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

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