Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Abandoned train in Torredeita

About 690km of railway tracks were abandoned during the 80s in Portugal. Nicely enough they are slowly being converted into "Ecopistas", a sort of nature trail where you can hike etc...
This wagon is part of the abandoned train in Torredeita, standing on it's lone 3 segments of tracks. I just love the atmosphere inside the train!

Als anys 80, a Portugal, uns 690km de vies van caure en desús, i finalment van ser abandonades. Avui dia, poc a poc el recorregut de les vies está essent convertit en "Ecopistes", una mena de camins on pots anar amb bicicleta, caminar, etc...
Aquest vagó és part d'un tren abandonat a Torredeita, tot sól sobre tres segments de via. M'encanta l'atmosfera dintre el tren!

If you'd like some more info on this picture, there's a bunch of extra details in flickr.

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